stevie springs
fat transsexual crip leatherdyke fag
artist, writer, sick fuck
occupied duwamish territory
stevie's zines
The Swiss Cheese Model for Layered COVID Protection
detailed info and supporting data on the various COVID mitigation strategies I usequarter size, 24 pagesFREEdownload the PDF here
40 Years of Grief
collage, poetry, and other writings on my lifelong relationship with griefhalf size, 44 pages$12 physical zine // $6 PDF zine
Ever wondered how you would have behaved at the height of the AIDS pandemic? You’re doing it now.
a summary of the parallels between HIV & COVIDquarter size, 8 pagesFREEdownload the PDF here
Write Your Own Crip Credo
a short guide to creating a personalized list to remind yourself that you deserve more/better/everythingminizine, 8 pagesFREEdownload the PDF here
The Joy of the Bible
the perverted blaspheming of an illustrated children’s bible with adults fuckin’ and suckin’ their way through it. what is art if not a way to process complex trauma?6.25 x 8.75”, 12 pages$8 physical zine // $4 PDF zine
Sick Sad Boy
poems about disability, grief, trauma, & lovequarter size, 24 pages$6 physical zine // $3 PDF zine
Where to Buy
My zines are available for purchase here.They're also available at the following independent bookstores:
Elliott Bay in Seattle, WA
Charlie’s Queer Books in Seattle, WA
Phoenix Comics & Games in Seattle, WA
Quimby's in Chicago, IL
Quimby's NYC in Brooklyn, NY
Atomic Books in Baltimore, MD